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ES&A provides site assessment, planning, and permitting services for public works projects, commercial and industrial facilities, and private residential development. Our work ranges from performing wetland assessments for small residential developments to extensive site planning and permitting work for significant public works and industrial development projects.

Wetland Assessment

ES&A staff are trained to delineate and conduct functional assessments of wetland resources. We identify and document jurisdictional limits of wetlands and waterways and evaluate baseline conditions to determine opportunities for impact avoidance and potential enhancement. As necessary, we prepare wetland and waterway mitigation plans for unavoidable project impacts.

Agency Consultation / Environmental Permitting

ES&A works as a liaison to regulatory agencies and consultation to determine permitting requirements and facilitate reviews; identify the critical path for obtaining permits and establishing / updating the schedule; identification of required technical studies; prepare draft and final applications to USACE and DSL (CWA and Oregon Removal/Fill), Coast Guard (Section 9 (Bridge) permit), DEQ (Section 401 Water Quality Certification) and ODFW (Fish Passage Plans for Stream Crossings).

Biological Reports

ES&A prepares documentation of fish ecology, biology, botanical, and Endangered Species Act (ESA) compliance field reviews and technical reports in support of National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) reviews. This requires conducting biological surveys and consultation with federal agencies such as NMFS and USFWS.

Natural Resources

ES&A staff provide natural resource assessments to define water and fish & wildlife resources that occur within project areas. We conduct the field data collection and mapping and then prepare reports to meet local agency requirements, including Clean Water Services (CWS), Washington County Significant Natural Resource (SNR), and Clackamas County Water Environmental Services (WES) as well as natural resource protection overlays for local municipalities.  


ES&A provides monitoring for wetland and natural resource riparian buffer enhancement and mitigation plans. This often involves annual monitoring of project sites over multiple years. We coordinate agency review and compliance for a range of local, state, and federal resource permits.

Endangered Species Act Consultation

ES&A has prepared numerous NEPA Biological Assessments for a wide range of projects in western Oregon involving public housing, rapid transit, wastewater treatment, water supply, bridges and roadway construction, and others. Some of our clients include TriMet, Lane Transit; Cities of Portland, Jefferson, Salem, and Eugene; and Multnomah, Clackamas, and Marion Counties.

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